3 square root 160

sqrt(1440) = 37.94733192


3sqrt(4*4*10) =
3*2*2sqrt10 = 12sqrt10

To calculate the square root of 160, follow these steps:

Step 1: Divide 160 by any perfect square factors, if possible. In this case, since 160 is divisible by 16 (16 * 10 = 160), we can rewrite 160 as 16 * 10.

Step 2: Take the square root of the perfect square factor. The square root of 16 is 4.

Step 3: Take the square root of the remaining factor. The square root of 10 cannot be simplified further, so we keep it as it is.

Step 4: Multiply the square roots obtained in step 2 and step 3. Therefore, the square root of 160 is 4 * sqrt(10) (or 4√10).

So, 3 * sqrt(160) can be simplified as 3 * 4 * sqrt(10), which equals 12 * sqrt(10).