'Acrid', 'piercing', 'acute', and 'keen' are all ________ for 'pungent'

B) definitions***
C) homophones
D) synonyms

After a week camping in the woods with no way to bathe, we were quite pungent.

Which dictionary definition of pungent is used in this sentence?
A) prickly-pointed; hard and sharp
B) penetrating; acute; keen; acrimonious
C) causing a sharp sensation, as of the taste, smell or feelings***
D) sharply painful; penetrating; poignant; severe; caustic; stinging

1. D

Yes, 1. D

thx, but I reallyyyyyy need help on the figurative language post, Im sooooooo confused Ms Sue

To determine the answer to the first question, we need to understand the words 'acrid', 'piercing', 'acute', 'keen', and 'pungent'. These words are adjectives used to describe a strong and unpleasant smell or taste.

To find their relationship, we can consult a thesaurus or a dictionary. Using a thesaurus, we can look up the word 'pungent' and find a list of synonyms. From the given options, 'synonyms' would be the correct answer, as it represents words that have a similar meaning to 'pungent'.

For the second question, we need to determine the dictionary definition of 'pungent' that best fits the context of the sentence. By analyzing the sentence, we can see that it is describing a strong smell resulting from not bathing for a week.

Looking at the options, option C) "causing a sharp sensation, as of the taste, smell, or feelings" is the most suitable definition in this context. It accurately captures the idea of a strong and unpleasant smell, aligning with the given sentence.

I also need help on the second question.

1 no

2 yes