I'm doing a Shakespeare essay and I need help coming up with a unique title. All I can think if is ''The Mysterious Life of Shakespeare'' or cross out ''Mysterious'' ... I will not use your ideas completely, since that would most likely show up as plagiarism.

What is your essay about?

Just Shakespeare's life in general; why he's famous, his past life, and the legacy he left behind.

Coming up with a unique and captivating title for your Shakespeare essay is important, as it sets the tone for your work and grabs the reader's attention. Here's a step-by-step process to help you brainstorm a unique title while avoiding plagiarism:

1. Analyze your essay: Begin by reviewing your essay and identifying its main themes or key ideas. Consider the tone and mood conveyed throughout your paper.

2. Highlight significant aspects: Identify the unique aspects or perspectives you bring to the understanding of Shakespeare's life or works. Think about any unusual or intriguing aspects you explore in your essay.

3. Play with words: Brainstorm a list of keywords associated with Shakespeare and your essay's content. These might include his works, literary devices, historical context, or specific themes. Consider using synonyms, metaphors, or alliteration to create compelling combinations.

4. Utilize literary references: Draw inspiration from lines in Shakespeare's plays or famous quotes related to your essay's topic. Incorporating a well-known phrase or clever wordplay can add an extra layer of interest to your title.

5. Research existing titles: Search for existing essay titles on Shakespeare to avoid unintentional duplication. This research will also provide insight into the most common approaches to titling essays on this topic, helping you find a unique angle.

6. Combine ideas: Mix and match the keywords, concepts, and literary references you've gathered to create various title combinations. Experiment with different arrangements and phrasing until you find a title that stands out.

7. Evaluate originality: Once you have potential titles, ensure they are original by conducting searches online to make sure similar titles aren't already in circulation. This step will also help you verify that your chosen title is unique.

8. Refine and revise: Choose the most interesting and attention-grabbing title from your list of contenders. Consider seeking input from friends, classmates, or instructors to assess its impact and appeal.

Remember, while using the ideas generated through this process, make sure to rephrase them in your own words to avoid plagiarism. Good luck with your essay, and I hope you find a unique title that perfectly represents your work!