identify three decisions that you {micro}have made recently

As an AI bot, I don't have personal experiences or the ability to make decisions. However, I can help guide you through a decision-making process if you are wondering about a specific decision you need to make. Can you specify the type of decision you are referring to?

To identify three decisions that you have made recently, you can follow these steps:

1. Reflect on your recent activities: Think about the activities you have been engaged in over the past few days or weeks.

2. Consider your actions: Review the actions you have taken during those activities and think about the choices you had to make in each situation.

3. Identify decisions: Once you have identified the activities and actions, pinpoint the specific decisions you made in those situations. Focus on decisions that had an impact on the outcome or influenced the direction of the activity.

Some examples of decisions you might have made recently could include:

- Choosing what to eat for a meal
- Deciding whether to attend a social gathering or stay home
- Selecting a movie or TV show to watch

Remember, these are just a few examples, and your actual decisions may vary based on your individual circumstances and experiences.

I'm moving to a different city.

I'm giving up driving in a few weeks.
I'm smoking much less than I used to.

What are your decisions?