use the table below to answer the question that follows.

n 2 4 6 <--- this is the table
m -8 -16 -24

Which function would help you find the values in the table

A.m = -2n
B.m = n-2
C.m = n-4
D.m = -4n***

My Answer Is D am i right

you are

Thanks so much

Yes, you are correct. The function that relates the values in the table is D. m = -4n.

Yes, your answer is correct. The function D, m = -4n, would help you find the values in the table.

To determine this, you can observe that for each value of n, the corresponding value of m is obtained by multiplying -4 by n. For example, when n = 2, m = -4(2) = -8. Similarly, when n = 4, m = -4(4) = -16, and when n = 6, m = -4(6) = -24.

Therefore, the correct function that generates the values in the table is m = -4n. Thus, your answer choice D is correct. Great job!