In a recent year, 31.8%of all registered doctors were female. If there were 54,700 female registered doctors that year, what was the total number of registered doctors?

0.318x = 54,700

To find the total number of registered doctors, we need to determine the proportion between the number of female doctors and the total number of doctors.

We know that 31.8% of all registered doctors were female, which is equivalent to 31.8/100 or 0.318 as a decimal.

Let's represent the total number of registered doctors as "x".

So, 0.318 of "x" is equal to 54,700:

0.318 * x = 54,700

To solve for "x", we divide both sides of the equation by 0.318:

x = 54,700 / 0.318

Using a calculator, we can divide 54,700 by 0.318 to find:

x ≈ 171,698

Therefore, the total number of registered doctors in that year was approximately 171,698.