Ann is 8 years older than Dawn. Dan is 5 years younger than Dawn. The sum of their ages is 108. How old is Dan? Please explain work too.

d + d + 8 + d - 5 = 108

3d + 3 - 108

3d = 105

d = 35

Dawn is 35

To solve this problem, we can set up a system of equations using the given information.

Let's say Dawn's age is x years.
According to the problem, Ann is 8 years older than Dawn, so Ann's age would be x + 8 years.
Dan is 5 years younger than Dawn, so Dan's age would be x - 5 years.

The sum of their ages is given as 108, so we can set up the equation:

x + (x + 8) + (x - 5) = 108

Now let's solve this equation:

x + x + 8 + x - 5 = 108
3x + 3 = 108
3x = 105
x = 105 / 3
x = 35

So we have found that Dawn's age is 35 years old.
To find Dan's age, we substitute this value back into the expression for Dan's age:

Dan's age = x - 5 = 35 - 5 = 30 years

Therefore, Dan is 30 years old.