Muscle Cells Have Large Numbers Of __________________:

A. Chromosomes B. Mitochondria C. Chloroplasts D. Cellulose Fibers
I think it is B. Mitochondria.
Is that right?
Please Help!!!!
Thank you.....

Yes. Muscle cells use energy and need lots of ATP so it has large numbers of mitochondria

m b

Yes, you are correct. Muscle cells have large numbers of B. Mitochondria. Mitochondria are known as the "powerhouses" of the cell, as they are responsible for producing the energy (in the form of ATP) that the muscle cells need to contract and function properly.

Yes, you are correct! Muscle cells have large numbers of B. Mitochondria.

To arrive at the correct answer, you can use your knowledge of muscle cells and their functions, or you can also conduct a quick search. Here is the process to find the answer:

1. Understand the question: The question is asking about the organelles that are present in large numbers in muscle cells.

2. Consider your knowledge: If you have prior knowledge about muscle cells, you may know that they require a lot of energy to carry out their functions, such as contracting and relaxing. This energy is produced in the mitochondria through cellular respiration.

3. Conduct a search: If you are unsure or want to verify your knowledge, you can search for information about the organelles in muscle cells. You can use search engines like Google and enter the keywords "organelles in muscle cells."

4. Analyze the search results: Look for reliable sources, such as scientific articles, textbooks, or educational websites. Read the relevant information to determine which organelles are present in large numbers in muscle cells.

Based on the search results or your prior knowledge, you will find that mitochondria are indeed present in large numbers in muscle cells. Therefore, selecting option B. Mitochondria is the correct answer.

Hope this explanation helps!