22% of Shirley's monthly salary is deducted for withholding if those deductions total $209 what did her salary

To find Shirley's monthly salary, we can use the information that 22% of her salary is deducted for withholding, and the deductions total $209.

Let's set up an equation to represent this situation:

0.22 * Salary = $209

To find Shirley's monthly salary, we need to solve for "Salary." We can start by dividing both sides of the equation by 0.22:

Salary = $209 / 0.22

Dividing $209 by 0.22 gives us:

Salary ≈ $950

Therefore, Shirley's monthly salary is approximately $950.

To find Shirley's monthly salary, we need to divide the total deductions by the percentage deducted.

Let's represent Shirley's monthly salary as "X".

Deductions ('D') = $209
Percentage deducted ('P') = 22%

We can set up the following equation:

D = (P/100) * X

Substituting the given values:

209 = (22/100) * X

To find X, we can isolate it by multiplying both sides of the equation by 100/22:

X = (209 * 100) / 22

Simplifying this expression gives us:

X = 950

Therefore, Shirley's monthly salary is $950.

well, .22x = 209