Q.NO.3: Show that the function z=tan^-1(2xy/x^2-y^2)satisfies Laplace’s equation; then make the substitution

x=r cosθ, y= r sinθ
and show that the resulting function of satisfies the polar form of laplace’s equation


well, you have

tanz = r^2 tan2?
z = arctan(r^2 tan2?)

?z/?r = (2r tan2?)/((r^2 tan2?)^2+1)
?z/?? = (2r^2 sec^2(2?))/((r^2 tan2?)^2+1)

the second partials get a bit messy, but you can get them here:


(where I used y instead of ? because it choked on ?

The rest is just algebra!

To show that the function z = tan^-1(2xy / x^2 - y^2) satisfies Laplace's equation, we need to compute the partial derivatives and substitute them into the Laplace's equation.

Starting with the function z = tan^-1(2xy / x^2 - y^2), let's find the partial derivatives:

∂z/∂x = ∂/∂x(tan^-1(2xy / x^2 - y^2))

To compute this derivative, we can use the chain rule. Let u = 2xy / (x^2 - y^2).
Now, we can rewrite z = tan^-1(u) and differentiate with respect to u:

dz/du = 1/(1 + u^2) (derivative of tan^-1(u) with respect to u)

Next, we compute the derivative of u with respect to x:

du/dx = (2y(x^2 - y^2) - 2xy(2x)) / (x^2 - y^2)^2
= -4xy^3 / (x^2 - y^2)^2

Finally, we apply the chain rule to the partial derivative:

∂z/∂x = dz/du * du/dx
= (-4xy^3 / (x^2 - y^2)^2) * (1/(1 + (2xy / x^2 - y^2)^2))
= (-4xy^3 / (x^2 - y^2)^2) * (1/(1 + 4x^2y^2 / (x^2 - y^2)^2))
= -4xy^3 / (x^2 - y^2)^2 + 4x^3y / (x^2 - y^2)^2
= 4xy(x^2 - y^2 + y^2 - x^2) / (x^2 - y^2)^2
= 0

Similarly, we can compute ∂z/∂y and show that it is also equal to 0. You can verify this as an exercise.

Now, we take the given substitution x = r cosθ and y = r sinθ and find the partial derivatives of z with respect to r and θ using the chain rule.

∂z/∂r = ∂z/∂x * ∂x/∂r + ∂z/∂y * ∂y/∂r

∂z/∂r = 0 * cosθ + 0 * sinθ = 0

∂z/∂θ = ∂z/∂x * ∂x/∂θ + ∂z/∂y * ∂y/∂θ

∂z/∂θ = 0 * (-r sinθ) + 0 * r cosθ = 0

Now, let's substitute these derivatives back into the polar form of Laplace's equation:

(∂^2z/∂r^2) + (1/r^2)(∂^2z/∂θ^2) + (1/r)(∂z/∂r)

= (0) + (1/r^2)(0) + (1/r)(0)
= 0

Hence, the resulting function of z satisfies the polar form of Laplace's equation.