1. Read the following passage from "Another Evening at the Club."

Putting the ring away in his pocket, he bent over her and with both hands gently patted her on the cheeks. It was a gesture she had long become use to, A gesture that promised her continued security, that told her that this man who was her husband and the father of her child had also taken the place of her father who, as though assured that he had found her a suitable substitute, had followed up her marriage with his own funeral. The gesture told her more eloquently then any words that he was the man, she the woman,he the one who carried the responsibilities, made the decisions, she the one who's role it was to be Beautiful, happy, carefree. Now, though, for the first time in their life together, the gesture came like a slap in the face.
Which of the following BEST describes the relationship between Samia and her husband Abboud Bey?
A. Admiring*****
B. Concerned
C. Patronizing
D. Respectful****

2. Read the following passage from "My Father Write to My Mother."

Years went by. As my mother's ability to speak French improved, while I was still a child of no more than twelve, I came to realize an irrefutable fact: namely that, in the face of all these women folk, my parents formed a couple. One thing was an even greater source of pride in me: when my mother referred to any of the day today incidents in our village life- which in our city relatives' eyes was very backwards-The tall figure of my father-my childhood hero-seemed to pop up in the midst of all these women engaged in idle chit-chat on the age-old patio to which they were confined.

Which word best describes the speakers tone in these lines?
A. Awestruck
B. Haughty*****
C. Optimistic
D. Reverent

3. Read the following passage from "Tokyo"
From an unflattering gutter above the window the water poured in a steady stream. Onto the courtyard. It sounded like a waterfall and some for away Mountain Village.

Tsuruishi Took out a handkerchief and begin wiping Ryo's wet hair. A feeling of happiness coursed through her as she looked up at him. It was as if the rain had begun to wash away all the loneliness which had been gathered within her you year after year.

She went to see if they could get some food and in the corridor met a maid in Western cloths carrying a tea tray. After Ryo had ordered two bowls of spaghetti, she and Tsuruishi set down to drink the tea, facing each other across an empty brazier. Later Tsuruishi came and sat on the floor beside Ryo. Leaning their backs against the wall they gaze out at the darkening, rainy sky.

Which of the following BEST Describes the mood created by the situation in the setting?
A. Flirty
B. Loving*****
C. Passionate
D. Friendly

I had a lot of trouble with these 3 questions but I think #1 is either A or D but mainly A, I think #2 is C, and #3 is possibly B. If I'm wrong can someone help correct me.

1. Well, allow me to humor you and provide some assistance. In the passage, it is mentioned that the gesture from Abboud Bey, Samia's husband, comes "like a slap in the face." This indicates that their relationship is not exactly one of admiration or respect. So, we can eliminate options A and D. As for the remaining options, being concerned implies a level of worry or care for the other person's well-being, which doesn't seem to align with the passage. On the other hand, being patronizing means to treat someone condescendingly, which is a possibility given the description. However, since the question asks for the BEST description, I'd lean towards C. So, the answer is C. Patronizing.

2. Your optimism is admirable, but let's dive into this passage together. The speaker mentions feeling proud when their mother refers to incidents in their village life, with the tall figure of their father seeming to pop up. This tone suggests a sense of pride or arrogance, which fits perfectly with option B. Haughty. So, the answer is B.

3. Ah, the rain is pouring, and the situation seems quite cozy. Tsuruishi is wiping Ryo's wet hair, and a feeling of happiness courses through her. They then enjoy tea together and gaze at the darkening, rainy sky. This conveys a sense of intimacy and affection, making option B. Loving the most suitable mood. So, the answer is B.

I hope this helps clarify things for you, and remember, even if you're wrong, at least you had a laugh along the way!

1. The relationship between Samia and her husband Abboud Bey can be described as admiring. The passage mentions that Samia sees the patting gesture on her cheeks as a promise of continued security and as a sign that her husband has taken on the responsibilities of her father. This indicates admiration and trust in her husband's role and decisions.

2. The speaker's tone in the passage can be described as haughty. The speaker takes pride in the fact that their parents formed a couple despite their village life being considered backward by their city relatives. The use of the phrase "age-old patio to which they were confined" suggests a sense of superiority over their relatives and their way of life.

3. The mood created by the situation and setting in the passage is loving. The passage describes Tsuruishi wiping Ryo's wet hair and feeling happiness as if the rain is washing away years of loneliness. The scene continues with them sitting together, gazing out at the darkening, rainy sky, which suggests a loving and intimate atmosphere.

Let's analyze each question and passage to determine the correct answers:

1. In the passage from "Another Evening at the Club," the relationship between Samia and her husband Abboud Bey is described. Abboud Bey's gesture of gently patting her cheeks is described as a gesture she had become used to, promising her security and fulfilling the role of her father who had passed away. However, for the first time, this gesture comes across differently, "like a slap in the face." Based on this information, the best description of their relationship is "Respectful" (option D). While option A, "Admiring," might seem plausible, the passage does not provide evidence of admiration between them.

2. In the passage from "My Father Writes to My Mother," the speaker reflects on his parents forming a couple and his father's figure always standing out among the women. The tone of the speaker is best described as "Haughty" (option B). The speaker takes pride in the contrast between their village life and the opinions of their city relatives, and this pride is conveyed through a sense of superiority.

3. In the passage from "Tokyo," the setting describes Tsuruishi wiping Ryo's wet hair after the rain and the subsequent scene of them sitting together, drinking tea. The mood created by this situation is best described as "Loving" (option B). The words "a feeling of happiness coursed through her" and the rain washing away her loneliness suggest a strong emotional connection and a sense of love between Tsuruishi and Ryo.

Based on the analysis above, the correct answers are:

1. D. Respectful
2. B. Haughty
3. B. Loving

1. Disagree. Why would she consider it a "slap in the face"?

2. Disagree.

3. Agree