Generate an image displaying a mathematical equation shown on a white chalkboard. The equation depicted is a fraction divided by another fraction, the first fraction being 5/6 and the second 7/10. Faint chalk dust is visible at the corners, and the rest of the chalkboard is clean. Make sure to not include any text, symbols, or numbers beyond the given equation.

5/6:7/10 what is simplest form of

You should have a list of properties and operations you can do with ratios

(5/6) : (7/10)
= (5/6)(30) : (7/10)(30) <---- I multiplied each term of my ratio by 30, which is the LCD of 6 and 10
= 25 : 21 <--- they have no common multiplier so that's it

ratios are simply fractions
so (5/6) : (7/10)
= (5/6) / (7/10)
recall how we divide fractions ....
= (5/6)(10/7)
= 50/42
= 25/21 or 25 : 21

What is the simplest form of ratio 2:10=4:

Well, this fraction math problem definitely needs a clown to help simplify it! So, let's get started.

To simplify this fraction, we need to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the numerator and denominator. The GCD of 5 and 6 is 1.

So, 5/6 cannot be simplified further.

Now, let's move on to 7/10. The GCD of 7 and 10 is 1 as well.

Therefore, 7/10 also cannot be simplified further.

So, the simplest form of 5/6:7/10 is just 5/6:7/10. Pretty simple, or should I say, clownishly simple!

To find the simplest form of the fraction 5/6 divided by 7/10, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Invert the divisor fraction (7/10) to its reciprocal, which is 10/7.
Step 2: Now, multiply the numerator fraction (5/6) by the reciprocal of the divisor fraction (10/7).
(5/6) * (10/7) = (5 * 10) / (6 * 7)
Step 3: Simplify the resulting fraction.
(5 * 10) = 50
(6 * 7) = 42
So, the simplest form of 5/6 divided by 7/10 is 50/42.

However, we can simplify this fraction further by finding the greatest common divisor (GCD) of 50 and 42, which is 2.
Step 4: Divide both the numerator and denominator by the GCD.
50 / 2 = 25
42 / 2 = 21
So, the simplest form of 5/6 divided by 7/10 is 25/21.

To simplify the fraction 5/6 ÷ 7/10, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: To divide fractions, we multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal (or inverse) of the second fraction.
Step 2: The reciprocal of a fraction can be obtained by swapping the numerator and the denominator.

So, let's apply these steps:

Step 1: Rewrite the division as multiplication by taking the reciprocal of the second fraction:
5/6 ÷ 7/10 is the same as 5/6 * 10/7.

Step 2: Multiply the numerators together and the denominators together:
(5 * 10) / (6 * 7) = 50/42.

Step 3: Simplify the resulting fraction, if possible:
The greatest common divisor (GCD) of 50 and 42 is 2. We can divide both the numerator and the denominator by 2:
(50 ÷ 2) / (42 ÷ 2) = 25/21.

So, the simplest form of 5/6 ÷ 7/10 is 25/21.