Which tree diagram shows the possible outcomes of choosing either black or gray shorts and a blue, green, white, or red T-shirt

None that I can see.

To create a tree diagram showing the possible outcomes, follow these steps:

Step 1: Start with a branch representing the choice of shorts. Label it as "Shorts:"

- Short 1: Black
- Short 2: Gray

Step 2: From each branch of shorts, create branches for the choice of T-shirt colors. Label it as "T-shirt:"

- For "Shorts: Black," create four branches for T-shirt colors:
- T-shirt 1: Blue
- T-shirt 2: Green
- T-shirt 3: White
- T-shirt 4: Red

- Repeat the same process for "Shorts: Gray," creating four branches for T-shirt colors:
- T-shirt 1: Blue
- T-shirt 2: Green
- T-shirt 3: White
- T-shirt 4: Red

Step 3: Your tree diagram should now have a total of eight branches representing all possible combinations of black/gray shorts and blue/green/white/red T-shirts.

Here is an example of how the tree diagram would look:

/ \
Black Gray
/ | | \ / | | \
Blue Green White Red Blue Green White Red

To create a tree diagram showing the possible outcomes of choosing either black or gray shorts and a blue, green, white, or red T-shirt, follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the first decision point which is choosing between black or gray shorts. Create two branches stemming from this decision point labeled "black shorts" and "gray shorts".

Step 2: From each branch of the first decision point, create four branches representing the four options for T-shirts - blue, green, white, and red. Label these branches accordingly.

Step 3: Your tree diagram should now have a total of eight branches. The final outcomes will be shown at the end of each branch, representing the various combinations of shorts and T-shirts.

Here is an example of how the tree diagram would look:

- Black Shorts
/ | | \
Blue Green White Red

- Gray Shorts
/ | | \
Blue Green White Red

This diagram illustrates all the possible outcomes of choosing either black or gray shorts combined with a blue, green, white, or red T-shirt.