this is the way i am starting my intro. What else can I add to it.

Best Practices Manual for Supervisors
This manual will have everything you will need to help tell someone about the different responsibilities a supervisor has in his or her job description.

Is that it? Or did your introduction not post?

Remember, introductions need to "grab" the audience, briefly explain what the work is about, and finish with a thesis statement.

it didn't post the 1st time but i got it to post i think now

help please

I'm sorry, but I accidentally deleted the sentence that you posted.

You'll need to list the major items that you're covering in the manual. Please add to that sentence so that your introduction is at least 4 sentences long. Then post it, and we'll be glad to critique it.

The supervisor’s primary objective should be to avoid making mistakes in employment decisions that can lead to EEO [Equal Employment Opportunity] complaints why

To further enhance your introduction, here are some additional elements you can consider adding:

1. Purpose/Objective: Clearly state the purpose or objective of the manual. For example, you could highlight that the manual aims to provide comprehensive guidance and resources for supervisors to excel in their role.

2. Importance: Emphasize the significance of effective supervision and its impact on organizational success. Discuss how a well-informed and skilled supervisor can contribute to employee productivity, satisfaction, and overall performance.

3. Overview: Provide a brief overview of the content and structure of the manual. Mention the key topics it covers, such as leadership skills, communication strategies, conflict resolution, performance management, and other relevant areas of concern for supervisors.

4. Target audience: Specify the intended readership or audience for the manual, such as new supervisors, existing supervisors seeking professional development, or any relevant managerial staff. This will help potential readers quickly assess whether the manual applies to their specific needs.

5. Benefits: Outline the potential benefits that supervisors can gain from utilizing this manual. For instance, mention how it can enhance their ability to effectively manage teams, mitigate challenges, foster a positive work environment, and ultimately achieve organizational goals.

By incorporating these additional elements, your introduction will provide a clearer and more engaging overview of what readers can expect from the Best Practices Manual for Supervisors.