Last year, Carmen had

to invest. She invested some of it in an account that paid
simple interest per year, and she invested the rest in an account that paid
simple interest per year. After one year, she received a total of
in interest. How much did she invest in each account?

.09x + .05(20000-x) = 1680

To find out how much Carmen invested in each account, we can set up a system of equations. Let's say she invested x dollars in the account that paid 9% interest, and y dollars in the account that paid 5% interest.

The equation for the first account would be: 0.09x (since 9% is equivalent to 0.09 in decimal form).

The equation for the second account would be: 0.05y (since 5% is equivalent to 0.05 in decimal form).

According to the information given, the total interest earned is $1680. So, we can set up our equation as follows:

0.09x + 0.05y = 1680

We also know that Carmen invested a total of $20,000 in both accounts, so we can set up another equation:

x + y = 20000

Now we have a system of two equations:

0.09x + 0.05y = 1680
x + y = 20000

We can solve this system of equations using substitution or elimination method to find the values of x and y, representing the amounts invested in each account.