I will be teaching my grade 5 students a lesson on persuasive writing. Do you know where I could find some sample persuasive essays to show them, especially ones that are on fifth grade level.

Thanks for your help

http://www.webenglishteacher.com is the best site I've seen. The collection includes help for teachers of all grade levels in all the different aspects of English, and more is being added all the time.

Try looking through the ideas in this section:

person one: did u do a poo last night i did.

person two: no i never need so i never go.

Of course! When looking for sample persuasive essays on a fifth-grade level, there are a few approaches you can take:

1. Online Resources: There are various websites that provide access to sample essays specifically designed for student learning. Some popular websites include:

- ReadWriteThink: This website provides a range of resources for teaching persuasive writing, including sample essays suitable for fifth-grade students. You can find them at: https://www.readwritethink.org/classroom-resources/student-interactives/

- Time for Kids: Time for Kids offers a collection of persuasive essays written by students in grades K-6. These essays can serve as excellent examples for your students. You can find them at: https://www.timeforkids.com/g34/persuasive-essay/

- Achieve the Core: Achieve the Core provides various resources for educators, including student writing samples. They offer standards-aligned persuasive essays for different grade levels. You can access them at: https://achievethecore.org/content/upload/W6cfwI18nPgerbzYmKbqlt6nAttM3ye3FvGrI4GaRL1FcEJ14PSdW8hB5R9lHM5XIb0mI3v2.pdf

2. Local Library or School Resources: Check with your local library or school's library to see if they have any books or resources specifically focused on persuasive writing for fifth-grade students. They may have sample essays that you can borrow or access.

3. Teacher Communities and Forums: Engage with online teacher communities and forums, such as Teachers Pay Teachers or professional social media platforms like Twitter. These communities are a great way to connect with other educators who may be willing to share resources, including sample essays.

Remember to review the sample essays beforehand to ensure they align with your teaching objectives and meet your students' needs. It's also important to provide clear explanations and engage your students in discussions about the persuasive elements and techniques used in the essays to enhance their understanding.