How can I explain Lung cancer to children?

I don't know how to explain in easy words.

"Lung cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the tissues of the lungs. If not treated, lung cancer may spread to the surrounding tissues and other parts of the body."

That's an understandable explanation for children, as long as they know the definition of some words you said. I would send you a link that would probably help you, but jiskha doesnt approve of that. so, ''Lung cancer is the uncontrolled growth of cancerous tumours in the lungs.

Exposure to carcinogens, such as those present in tobacco smoke, immediately causes small changes to the tissue lining the bronchi[?] of the lungs (the bronchial mucous membrane).''

Explaining lung cancer to children can be challenging, but it's important to use simple and age-appropriate language. Here's a way you can explain it:

"Lungs are like balloons inside our body that help us breathe. Sometimes, a type of sickness called lung cancer happens when some cells in the lungs start to grow out of control. These cells can make it hard for the person to breathe properly and feel sick. If the doctor finds out someone has lung cancer, they will try to help them get better using different treatments."

Remember to keep the explanation brief, reassure them that it's not their fault, and encourage them to ask questions if they have any. It's also important to emphasize that it's not a common or contagious illness.