Are these physical property's of a pure compound?

What are physical properts off this list????
molar weight
reactivity with halogens
melting and boiling points
hardness, brittleness
air sensitivity
chemical stability

First off, please don't change screen names. It confuses us and you don't get answers as fast as you may wish. CHEMICAL properties are those which take place with a chemical reaction. If something different (a different substance) is formed, that is a chemical property. Physical properties are those that can be observed with no chemical change taking place. Boiling water or freezing water are two physical properties of water. It is H2O before being boiled or frozen and it is still H2O after it has been vaporized or solidified.

Flammability is a chemical property; i.e., if I burn a piece of paper (showing it is flammable) it chars (carbon) and forms a gas (CO2). I won't answer all of these for you but I'll be glad to check your answers. By the way, I know you can GUESS and the probability is that you will be right 50% of the time so give your answer and explain WHY you think that is the right answer. See my comment under your Lee post.

Yes, these are physical properties of a pure compound. Physical properties are characteristics or attributes that can be observed or measured without changing the composition or identity of the substance. Here is a breakdown of the physical properties from the list you provided:

1. Molar weight: This is the mass of one mole of a substance and can be determined by calculating the sum of the atomic masses of the elements in a compound.

2. Reactivity with halogens: This property refers to how a compound reacts with halogens (elements from Group 17 of the periodic table, such as chlorine and fluorine).

3. Volatility: It describes how easily a substance evaporates or changes from a liquid to gaseous state at a given temperature.

4. Melting and boiling points: Melting point is the temperature at which a substance changes from a solid to a liquid, and boiling point is the temperature at which it changes from a liquid to a gas.

5. Hardness, brittleness: These properties describe the ability of a substance to resist deformation or break when subjected to an external force.

6. Odor: It refers to the characteristic smell associated with a substance.

7. Density: It is the measure of how much mass is contained within a given volume of a substance.

8. Air sensitivity: This property refers to how a compound reacts or interacts with air (specifically oxygen and/or moisture).

9. Flammability: It describes the ability of a substance to ignite and burn when exposed to a flame or heat source.

10. Radioactivity: This property refers to the emission of radiation from a substance.

11. Colour: It describes the visual appearance of a substance, specifically the wavelengths of light that it reflects or absorbs.

12. Toxicity: It refers to the harmful effects that a substance can have on living organisms.

13. Chemical stability: This property describes the ability of a substance to resist chemical reactions or decomposition under certain conditions.

To determine the physical properties of a specific compound, you can consult reference books, databases, or online resources that provide comprehensive data on various substances. Common sources for this information include chemical handbooks, scientific journals, and specialized websites such as PubChem or ChemSpider.