A new born infant usually triples its birth weight by its first birthday.Baby carter weighted 28 pounds on his first birthday. If this were triple his birth weight (b), which equation below could be used to determine his birth weight?

(1) b/3=28 No sure how to this one 3÷28=b
(2) b-3=28
(3) 3b=28. I think#4
(4) b+3=28
(5) 3(b+3)=28

Which is your answer?

Number 4. Bx3=28. Or. 28 divided by 3 =. I do no what I am doing

4 is an addition, not a multiplication problem.

I think number 5

Why does number 5 look better than number 3?

I see you have to look for plus or minus which do not add subtract first time doing these it would be # three I no it wasn't # one

It's number three

Yes, Number 3 is the answer.

Thank you for helping me out

You're welcome.

To determine Baby Carter's birth weight (b), we can use the equation:

3b = 28

This equation states that the birth weight (b) multiplied by 3 is equal to 28 pounds. So, by solving for b, we can find Carter's birth weight.