first of all this is my first time so i don't know if i am doing it right. I need help i have holiday homework that i need to do but i cant find good enough info for question 1 and i don't understand how to do question 2 below i will write homework exactlty the same as i have it

1)Research what the elements and principles of Design are in relation to the Visual Arts and Photography

2)Complete a visual mind map on a) the design principles and b) the design elements with image examples and annotations.

dont no

Hi there! Don't worry, you're doing just fine. I'm here to help you with your homework. Let's break down each question and discuss how you can find the answers.

1) Researching the elements and principles of Design in relation to the Visual Arts and Photography:
To complete this task, you'll need to look for resources that explain the elements and principles of design specifically in relation to visual arts and photography. Start by using search engines like Google or Bing and enter keywords like "elements of design in visual arts" or "principles of design in photography." Look for articles, websites, or even online courses that cover these topics. Make sure to read multiple sources to get a well-rounded understanding.

Some useful websites to find information on this topic are:

- The Khan Academy: They have a section dedicated to art and design, covering various topics including the elements and principles of design.
- The Smithsonian Learning Lab: They provide resources on multiple subjects, including art and design principles.
- The Balance Careers: They have articles specifically related to the principles of design in photography.

2) Completing a visual mind map on the design principles and elements with image examples and annotations:
For this task, you'll need to create a visual mind map that represents the design principles and elements. A mind map is a graphical way of representing ideas or concepts. Start by drawing a central topic bubble and branch out from there.

a) Design principles: Research each design principle (such as balance, contrast, emphasis, etc.) and add them as branches from the central bubble. Find image examples that visually represent each principle and add them to each corresponding branch. Additionally, write annotations or short explanations next to each image to describe how the principle is demonstrated.

b) Design elements: Similar to the previous step, research each design element (such as line, shape, color, texture, etc.) and add them as branches from the central bubble. Again, find image examples that represent each element and add them to the branches. Include annotations or short descriptions next to each image to explain how the element is utilized.

Remember, for both tasks, it's essential to cite your sources when you use information or images from external references. This demonstrates proper academic integrity.

I hope this helps! If you have any further questions or need more guidance, feel free to ask.