I have to interview 2 people for how technology has changed throughout their lifetime, but I have no one right now so can someone tell me different ways of how technology has changed over their lifetime it's for school and I need it done today. Thanks.

When I was growing up in the 30s and 40s in Chicago, we had radios, refrigerator, and landline phone (but only one). After the war we bought a phonograph and changed the furnace fuel from coal to oil.

Now we have TVs, computers, cell phones, microwaves, etc.

I started teaching in 1965, and I calculated all students' grades by hand -- paper and pencil math.

In 1979, I bought my first hand-held calculator, which worked only with the basic four types of calculation: +, -, x, and รท
Suddenly, I could calculate and submit quarter and semester grades faster, but weighting grades was not part of how I could calculate yet.

In 1988, I got my first computer. This computer had two 5.25" floppy drives, but no Windows! I learned how to write DOS commands and did OK. However, once I found a gradebook program that would run on my computer, life was much better as a teacher because I could start weighting grades, and the program would do the calculating! Life was wonderful, in my opinion, because I could always let my students and their parents know exactly what their current grades were in my classes.

I retired in 2002 from teaching English in high school. Because of calculators and computers, I was able to spend less time on actual grade calculations and more time teaching.

Wow you must be old. Just kidding thanks you are very helpful.

Thx I also needed some people... Now I can complete this assignment.

Certainly! Here are some different ways in which technology has changed over the years:

1. Communication: The way people communicate has dramatically evolved. From landline phones to mobile phones, and now smartphones, technology has revolutionized our ability to connect and stay in touch with others. Additionally, the rise of social media platforms and instant messaging apps has further transformed the way we share information and interact with one another.

2. Internet and Information Access: The advent of the internet has had a profound impact on our lives. It has made information readily available at our fingertips, allowing us to access knowledge, news, and resources instantly. The internet has also enabled online shopping, e-learning, and online banking, providing convenience and efficiency in various aspects of our lives.

3. Entertainment: Technology has revolutionized the entertainment industry. From traditional televisions to high-definition smart TVs, from cassette tapes to streaming services like Netflix and Spotify, we now have instant access to a vast range of movies, TV shows, music, and other forms of entertainment, all in the comfort of our own homes.

4. Computing and Productivity: The development of personal computers, laptops, and tablets has transformed the way we work and be productive. Tasks that used to take hours or days can now be completed in minutes, thanks to advancements in processing power, storage, and software applications. Additionally, cloud storage and collaborative tools have improved communication and collaboration in the workplace.

5. Mobility: The rise of mobile technology has significantly impacted our lives. The introduction of smartphones and tablets has made it possible to access information and perform various tasks while on the move. Mobile apps have transformed the way we navigate, shop, bank, and interact with the world around us.

To gather firsthand accounts of how technology has changed throughout their lifetime, you can approach individuals from different age groups or generations. You can try reaching out to family members, friends, or acquaintances who might be willing to share their experiences with you. Additionally, you can consider conducting online interviews by posting on social media platforms or forums to connect with people who are willing to participate in your project.