Jade is 9 years old. The sum of her parents age is the square of Jade's age Her father is 11 years older than her mother.

A) How old is Jade's mother?

mom ---- x

dad ------ x+11
Just translate "The sum of her parents age is the square of Jade's age " into math

x + x+11 = 9^2

solve for x



x + x+11 = 9^2
2x + 11 = 81
2x = 70
x = 35

the mother is 35

if the mother is 35, then dad is 46
the sum of their ages is 81 which is 9^2

answer of 35 is correct

To find out how old Jade's mother is, we need to solve the given information:

Let's assume Jade's mother's age is 'M'.

According to the problem statement, Jade's father is 11 years older than her mother, so Jade's father's age is 'M + 11'.

The sum of her parents' ages is the square of Jade's age, which is 9. So we can write the equation as:

M + M + 11 = 9^2

Simplifying the equation:

2M + 11 = 81

Subtracting 11 from both sides:

2M = 81 - 11

2M = 70

Dividing both sides by 2:

M = 70 / 2

M = 35

Therefore, Jade's mother is 35 years old.