At a cricket test match 2/7 of the spectators more in a covered place while 15000 were in open.Find the total number of spectators

To find the total number of spectators at the cricket test match, we need to add the number of spectators in the covered place and the number of spectators in the open.

Number of spectators in the open = 15000

Let's assume the total number of spectators as "x".

According to the given information, 2/7 of the spectators were in the covered place. This means that 2/7 of the total number of spectators were in the covered place.

So, the number of spectators in the covered place can be calculated as (2/7) * x.

Therefore, the total number of spectators at the cricket test match can be found by adding the number of spectators in the covered place and the number of spectators in the open:
x = (2/7) * x + 15000

Now, let's solve this equation to find the value of x.

Subtract (2/7) * x from both sides:
x - (2/7) * x = 15000
(5/7) * x = 15000

Multiply both sides by 7/5 to isolate x:
x = 15000 * (7/5)
x = 21000

Therefore, the total number of spectators at the cricket test match is 21000.

To find the total number of spectators at the cricket test match, we need to determine the number of spectators in the covered place and the number of spectators in the open.

Let's assume the total number of spectators is "x".

According to the given information, 2/7 of the spectators were in the covered place. This means the remaining 5/7 were in the open.

Number of spectators in the covered place = (2/7) * x
Number of spectators in the open = (5/7) * x

We are also given that 15000 spectators were in the open. So, we can equate the number of open spectators to 15000:

(5/7) * x = 15000

To solve for "x", we can multiply both sides of the equation by (7/5):

x = 15000 * (7/5)
x = 21000

Therefore, the total number of spectators at the cricket test match is 21000.

Did not understood properly😐

5/7 x = 15000

x = 21000