create a number sequence of 5-digit number using only even digits. such that no digit is repeated more than twice.

there are only 5 even digits.

So, if each us used at most twice, that makes a total of at most ten digits used.

Looks like your sequence can consist of only two 5-digit numbers.

One such pair is

22446 68800

To create a number sequence of 5-digit numbers using only even digits such that no digit is repeated more than twice, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: List all the even digits (0, 2, 4, 6, 8).

Step 2: Choose 5 different even digits from the list above. Since no digit can be repeated more than twice, you need to select digits with a frequency of 1 or 2.

Step 3: Find all the possible permutations of the chosen digits. Permutations mean rearranging the digits in different orders.

For example, let's choose the digits 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8:

Possible permutations of these digits: 02468, 02486, 02648, 02684, 02846, 02864, 04268, 04286, 04628, 04682, etc.

Each of these permutations is a 5-digit number using only even digits, and no digit is repeated more than twice.

Note: There are a total of 5! (5 factorial) = 120 possible permutations since you are choosing 5 digits without repetition.