The dimensions of a rectangular wading pool are shown in the diagram above. Which one of the expressions below represents the maximum volume (in cubic units) of water it can hold? 2 feet high. 3.5 feet across bottom and 5 feet long. Which answer is best 1. 2(3.5)(5). 2. 3.5(2+5). 3. 2(3.5+5). 4. 2(2)+2(3.5)+2(5). 5. 2(3.5)+2(5)

The answer is #2. Ms. Sue is incorrect. Here are all of the complete answers. I got 5/5.

1: c
2: a
3: c
4: d
5: b
Please remember this is only for Connexus students!

Thank you

lil meow meow is 100% right

Is it #1

yep 100% thanks!

lil meow meow is 100% correct!


2 * 3.5 * 5 = ______ cubic feet

lil meow meowww

To determine the maximum volume of water the rectangular wading pool can hold, we need to consider the dimensions given in the diagram.

From the diagram, we see that the height of the pool is 2 feet. The length is given as 5 feet, and the width is given as 3.5 feet across the bottom.

The formula for calculating the volume of a rectangular prism is length * width * height.

So, for the given dimensions, the expression to calculate the maximum volume of water the pool can hold is:

Expression: 5 * 3.5 * 2

Simplifying this expression, we get:

Expression: 35

Therefore, the maximum volume of water the wading pool can hold is 35 cubic units.

None of the provided answer options represent this correct calculation.
