In a middle school computer club, 3/8 of the members are girls. Of the girls in the club, 2/5 are 6 graders. Write and solve an equation to find the fraction of the members of the club that are 6 grade girls

Members: unknown

Girls: 3/8
In 6th grade: 2/5
3/8 x 2/5 = 6/40
Simplified: 3/20

total members ---- x

girls ------ (3/8)x or 3x/8
girls that are 6 graders = (2/5)(3x/8)
= 6x/40 = 3x/20

so (3/20) of the members are 6 grader girls

Well, in order to find the fraction of the members that are 6th grade girls, we need to multiply the fraction of girls in the club (3/8) by the fraction of 6th grade girls among all the girls (2/5).

So, the equation would be:

(3/8) * (2/5) = x

To solve this, we can multiply the numerators together (3 * 2) to get 6 and multiply the denominators together (8 * 5) to get 40:

6/40 = x

Simplifying the fraction, we get:

3/20 = x

Therefore, the fraction of the members of the club that are 6th grade girls is 3/20.

Let's start by finding the fraction of girls in the computer club. We know that 3/8 of the members are girls. So, if we let "x" be the number of total members in the club, we can set up the equation:

(3/8)x = number of girls in the club

Next, we need to find the fraction of girls who are 6th graders. We know that 2/5 of the girls are 6th graders. So, if we substitute the number of girls in the club with (3/8)x, we get:

(2/5)(3/8)x = number of 6th grade girls in the club

To solve for the fraction of members that are 6th grade girls, we divide the number of 6th grade girls by the total number of members:

((2/5)(3/8)x) / x = fraction of members that are 6th grade girls

Simplifying the equation, we get:

6/40 = 3/20

Therefore, the fraction of members in the club that are 6th grade girls is 3/20.

To solve this problem, we will first find the fraction of girls in the club, and then determine the fraction of those girls who are in 6th grade.

1. Fraction of girls in the club:
Given that 3/8 of the members are girls, we can set up the equation:
Girls in the club = (3/8) * Total members

2. Fraction of 6th grade girls:
We know that 2/5 of the girls in the club are 6th graders. So, we can set up the equation:
6th grade girls = (2/5) * Girls in the club

Now, let's solve these equations.

Assuming we have a total of "x" members in the club:

1. Fraction of girls in the club:
Girls in the club = (3/8) * x

2. Fraction of 6th grade girls:
6th grade girls = (2/5) * ((3/8) * x)

To find the fraction of 6th grade girls in relation to the total number of members, we divide the number of 6th grade girls by the total number of members:
Fraction of 6th grade girls = 6th grade girls / x

Substituting the values we have, the equation becomes:
Fraction of 6th grade girls = (2/5) * ((3/8) * x) / x

Now we can simplify and solve for the fraction of 6th grade girls:
Fraction of 6th grade girls = (2/5) * (3/8) = 6/40 = 3/20

So, the fraction of the members in the club who are 6th grade girls is 3/20.