andy had 5 1/2 quarts of juice. does he have enough to give a 2/3 cup serving to each of the 32 members of the band? explain

(2/3) * 32 = _____ cups needed

1 quart = 4 cups

4 * 5 1/2 = ______ cups of juice

3 cups

32 1/2

To determine if Andy has enough juice to give each band member a 2/3 cup serving, we need to compare the total amount of juice he has with the amount needed for all the servings.

- First, we need to convert the measurements to a consistent unit. Both quarts and cups are units of volume, so we can work with either one. Let's convert the 2/3 cup serving to quarts.

1 quart is equal to 4 cups, so 2/3 cup is equal to (2/3) / 4 quarts.
To simplify, we can divide the numerator by the denominator: 2/3 = 0.6667 (rounded to four decimal places).
So, the 2/3 cup serving is approximately 0.1667 quarts.

- Now, let's calculate the total amount of juice needed for all the servings:
To find the total amount of juice needed, we multiply the number of servings (32) by the amount per serving (0.1667 quarts).
Total juice needed = 32 * 0.1667 = 5.3334 quarts (rounded to four decimal places).

- Finally, let's compare the total amount of juice needed with the amount Andy has:
Andy has 5 1/2 quarts of juice.
5 1/2 can be written as a mixed number: 5 + 1/2 = 5.5 (in decimal form).
So Andy has 5.5 quarts of juice.

Comparing the total needed amount (5.3334 quarts) and the amount Andy has (5.5 quarts), we see that Andy does have enough juice to give each member of the band a 2/3 cup serving.