How do I convert improper fractions into proper fractions?

To convert an improper fraction into a proper fraction, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Divide the numerator (the top number) by the denominator (the bottom number).

Step 2: Write down the whole number part of the result as the whole number part of the proper fraction.

Step 3: Write the remainder as the numerator of the fraction.

Step 4: The denominator remains the same.

Let's go through an example:

Example: Convert the improper fraction 7/3 into a proper fraction.

Step 1: Divide the numerator (7) by the denominator (3). 7 รท 3 = 2 with a remainder of 1.

Step 2: The whole number part of the result, which is 2, becomes the whole number part of the proper fraction.

Step 3: Write the remainder, which is 1, as the numerator of the fraction.

Step 4: The denominator remains the same, so it stays as 3.

Therefore, the improper fraction 7/3 can be written as the proper fraction 2 1/3.