A-Polygamy should be legalized.

B-The voting age should be lowered to sixteen.
C-The prison system should give greater emphasis to the punishment of in mates than to their rehabilitation.
D-Doctors and clinics should be required to notify parents of minors when they prescribe birth control devices for the minors.
E-A man’s self esteem is severely injured if his wife makes more money than he makes.
F-Women like being dependent on men.

Matt, do you have a question about any of the above statements?

i am asking General Quesetion?
about what you think about that for example yes polygamy should be legalized because this and this

Matt, we do not do your homework for you. I am sure your teacher wants YOUR opinion...however I find no reason not to lower the voting age to 16. The sooner that young people develop an interest in our government and how it works in their lives, the sooner they will be come responsible citizens.

As an AI, I don't have personal opinions, but I can provide some information to help you understand the perspectives on the statements you mentioned:

A) Legalizing polygamy: This is a controversial topic, with arguments on both sides. Those in favor of legalizing polygamy argue that it respects individual freedom and autonomy, allowing consenting adults to form the relationships they choose. They argue that criminalizing polygamy infringes on personal rights and increases the likelihood of abuse within secretive, underground relationships. On the other hand, opponents question the potential harm to women and children within polygamous relationships, as well as concerns about potential exploitation and inequality.

B) Lowering the voting age to 16: Supporters of lowering the voting age argue that it encourages political engagement and empowers young people to have a voice in decisions that affect them directly. They believe that 16-year-olds are capable of understanding political issues and should have the right to influence their government. Critics, however, express concerns about the maturity and lack of life experience of 16-year-olds, suggesting that they may be easily influenced or lack the necessary knowledge to make informed voting decisions.

C) Emphasizing punishment over rehabilitation in the prison system: This is another debated topic. Supporters of a stronger punitive approach argue that it deters crime, provides justice for victims, and promotes public safety by keeping offenders off the streets. They claim that rehabilitation often fails to adequately address the root causes of criminal behavior. On the other side, proponents of rehabilitation argue that focusing on punishment alone doesn't address the underlying issues leading to criminal behavior, and that a more balanced approach, including education, therapy, and skill-building, can help reduce recidivism and reintegrate offenders into society.

D) Requiring parental notification for minors' prescription of birth control: The opinions on this topic can vary depending on cultural, moral, and religious beliefs. Supporters of parental notification argue that parents have the right to be involved in their children's healthcare decisions, especially when it comes to matters related to sexual activity. They believe that parental involvement will ensure proper guidance and protection for the minors. Conversely, opponents argue that some minors may face unaccepting or unsafe home environments, and requiring parental notification could result in restricting minors' access to necessary healthcare services or increasing the risk of unwanted pregnancies or sexually transmitted infections.

E) Impact of a wife making more money than her husband: This statement reflects a particular perspective rooted in traditional gender roles and societal expectations. Some people may indeed feel threatened or have diminished self-esteem when their partner earns more money. However, individual experiences and attitudes can vary greatly, and this belief may not be universally applicable. It's important to acknowledge that ideas about gender and economic roles are constantly evolving, and many couples embrace equality and support one another regardless of income disparities.

F) Preference for dependency in women: This statement is a generalization and cannot be applied universally. People's preferences and desires vary greatly, and it is not accurate to assume that all women enjoy being dependent on men. Many women strive for independence, equal opportunities, and financial autonomy. Gender roles and societal expectations vary across cultures and individuals, so it is essential to recognize and respect diverse perspectives.

When forming your own opinion on these topics, it is important to consider multiple viewpoints, research the issue extensively, and weigh the potential benefits and drawbacks from various perspectives.