The function f(t)=2150⋅(1.04)t models the population of a town after t years.

What does 2150 represent in this situation?

The population increase in the town each year.

The population of the town after 2 years. <<my answer

The population of the town after 3 years.

The population of the town when t=0.

it is right? lol i thought i was wrong. could you explain how im right?

if f(t)=2150⋅(1.04)t

then the 2150 is the value of f(t) when t = 0
that is, 2150 is the initial value

you can tell your answer is incorrect by subbing in t = 2
f(2) = 2150(1.04)^2 = appr 2325 ≠ 2150

To understand what 2150 represents in the given situation, let's break down the function f(t) = 2150 * (1.04)^t.

The function represents the population of a town after t years. Here, t represents the number of years.

So, when t = 0, we are looking for the population of the town at the beginning, or the initial population.

To find the population when t = 0, we substitute t = 0 into the function:

f(0) = 2150 * (1.04)^0
= 2150 * 1
= 2150.

Therefore, 2150 represents the population of the town when t = 0. In other words, it is the initial population of the town.