Why aren't links allowed on Jiskha? I tried to post a link like Ms. Sue sometimes will, but the website said I can't post links.

Only a few tutors have been given the permissions to post links.

No telling what would pop up here if just anyone could post links. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

On Jiskha, links are not allowed in order to maintain a safe and secure online environment for users. While Ms. Sue may have been permitted to share links, it is likely that this privilege was granted to her based on her experience and trustworthiness as a contributor.

Preventing the posting of links helps to protect users from potential security risks such as harmful websites, phishing attempts, or inappropriate content. Additionally, Jiskha aims to foster an environment where information is shared through text-based responses rather than relying on external sources. This approach helps promote critical thinking and encourages users to provide their own insights and explanations.

If you want to share information with others on Jiskha, it is best to provide the relevant details in your response, rather than linking to external sources. Remember to cite your sources, if applicable, by mentioning the author, title, and any other relevant information. This way, you can still provide valuable information while adhering to Jiskha's policies.