One would expect people who live in a Utopian society to be (1 point)

a. wealthy

b. difficult

c. idealistic *

d. impossible

Connexus answers is wrong the real answer are:

Trust me I just took the test.

I agree.

CAA is right...CCA is wrong 2/3

@Jordyy_k is right for Lesson 1: Setting Background for The Giver 8 B Unit 4: The Giver

To determine the correct answer to this question, you can analyze the meaning of the term "Utopian" and consider its characteristics.

A Utopian society refers to an ideal and perfect society where everything is imagined to be flawless. Based on this understanding, the most appropriate answer would be (c) idealistic, because people living in a Utopian society would be expected to hold and embrace idealistic beliefs and values.

To arrive at this conclusion, you could have considered the following:

1. Definition of Utopian society: A Utopian society is an imagined or hypothetical perfect society where social, political, and economic conditions are ideal.

2. Understanding of the term "idealistic": Idealistic refers to individuals who have high expectations, hold noble principles, and strive for perfection.

3. Application of logic: Since a Utopian society is conceptualized as perfect and flawless, it is reasonable to assume that the people living in such a society would be idealistic.

By considering these factors, you can determine that the correct answer is (c) idealistic.
