Which of the following are examples of mnemonics? Select all that apply.

a short rhyme
repeating something several times
an acronym
memorable phrases

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To identify examples of mnemonics, we need to understand what mnemonics are. Mnemonics are techniques or strategies used to enhance memory and aid in recalling information. Here are the examples of mnemonics from the given options:

1. A short rhyme: Mnemonics can involve creating a short rhyme or poem to remember a specific piece of information. For example, "In fourteen hundred ninety-two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue" helps in recalling the year Christopher Columbus discovered America.

2. Repeating something several times: The process of repetition can be a mnemonic technique. By repeating information or concepts multiple times, it can help solidify the memory and aid in recall.

3. An acronym: Mnemonics often involve creating acronyms, which are words formed from the initial letters of other words. Acronyms can serve as memory aids by making complex information more manageable. For example, "ROY G. BIV" is used to remember the sequence of colors in a rainbow.

4. Memorable phrases: Creating memorable phrases or sentences that contain the information you want to remember is another mnemonic technique. For example, the phrase "My Very Eager Mother Just Served Us Nachos" helps recall the order of the planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune).

Based on this explanation, the examples of mnemonics from the given options are: a short rhyme, repeating something several times, an acronym, and memorable phrases.

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