00 students were surveyed about their favorite sport. The results are shown in the circle graph below. How many students chose basketball as their favorite sport?

Basket Ball: 22%
Volley Ball: 18%
Badminton: 13%
Tennis: 18%


Please, help me! :D

0.22 * 1,000 = ?

1,000 NOT 00!!!

So, it's 220? Because, 0.22 times 1,000 is 220?


Yay! Thank you so much :)

You are welcome.

Sanjib collected information from students in the sixth grade about their favorite sport. The circle graph shows his results.

A circle graph titled Favorite Sports. It is divided into five unequal parts. Football, thirty-five percent. Basketball, twenty-five percent. Soccer, twenty percent. Softball, fifteen percent. Other, five percent.

There are 240 students. How many students prefer each type of sport? Use a protractor to find the angle measure of each section.

Ha I'm looking for the same answer @hailey

To find out how many students chose basketball as their favorite sport, you need to use the information provided in the circle graph.

Step 1: Calculate 22% of 100 to find out the number of students who chose basketball.
22% of 100 = (22/100) * 100 = 22

So, 22% represents 22 students who chose basketball as their favorite sport.

Step 2: Calculate the total percentage of students who chose a sport.
22% + 18% + 29% + 13% + 18% = 100%

Since the percentages add up to 100%, we can conclude that the total number of students surveyed is 100.

Therefore, the correct answer is A: 220.