In what way did soviet rule fail to live up to communist theory?

A) Control was held by the all people.

B) Control was held by few people.

C) Enough goods were made to sustain the country.

D) People were happy with the change.

My answer is D.


My answer is A.

A is corretc Amelia

The key word here is "fail" to live up to communist theory. A is not correct either. You're on your own now. Two guesses. Read your text materials.

Pearson books can have extensive details relating to whether or not some people had power. Communism may have allowed the government to give away equal amounts of money to citizens of all classes of rich to poor, but many poor workers demanded change; so not many people were happy about the absence of democracy on Europe.

B is the anwser, the word ''fail'' is the clue, all the rest r good things only one of them is a ''fail'' for the community.

The correct answer is B) Control was held by few people. Soviet rule failed to live up to communist theory mainly because it resulted in a concentration of power in the hands of a few individuals, rather than being held collectively by the entire population. To further understand this, let's explore how to arrive at the correct answer:

The question is asking about the ways in which Soviet rule deviated from communist theory. To determine this, we should consider the fundamental principles of communism and compare them with the reality of Soviet rule.

Communism revolves around the concept of a classless society where the means of production are collectively owned. According to communist theory, power should be in the hands of the people, with decisions being made collectively to benefit the entire society. However, in the case of the Soviet Union, power was concentrated in the ruling Communist Party, led by a select few individuals. This centralized control contradicts the principle of equal power and participation advocated by communist theory.

Answer A) "Control was held by all people" contradicts the reality of the Soviet Union, where power was not held collectively, but rather effectively controlled by the ruling Communist Party.

Answer C) "Enough goods were made to sustain the country" does not highlight the specific deviation from communist theory. It is more like a general assessment of the country's economic state, which could be influenced by various factors and is not solely tied to the failure to live up to communist ideals.

Answer D) "People were happy with the change" is a subjective and vague statement that does not address the specific deviation from communist theory.

Therefore, the correct answer is B) "Control was held by few people," as it accurately reflects the way in which Soviet rule fell short of the collective decision-making principles of communism.