Which of the following words best describes the overall mood at the novel?

A. cautions
B. defeated
C. exhausted
D. hopeful

the answers are :

1. D
2. B
3. A,B
4. C
5. C
6. C
7. D
8. D
9. D
10. B,C
11. A
the rest do them yourself


... is this right tho?

They are all right, thanks :)

To determine the best word that describes the overall mood of a novel, it is important to closely analyze the themes, tone, and events throughout the story. Here are the steps you can take to arrive at an answer:

1. Read the novel: Start by reading the novel in its entirety. This will give you a comprehensive understanding of the different moods and emotions portrayed throughout the story.

2. Identify key themes: Analyze the major themes of the novel. Consider whether the predominant theme is one of caution, defeat, exhaustion, or hope.

3. Evaluate the tone: Pay attention to the author's tone or attitude towards the subject matter. Is it cautious, defeated, exhausted, or hopeful? The tone can often provide valuable insight into the overall mood of the novel.

4. Examine character emotions: Observe the emotions experienced or expressed by the characters. Are they consistently cautious, defeated, exhausted, or hopeful throughout the story?

By going through these steps, you will be able to come to a conclusion on the best word that describes the overall mood of the novel. Keep in mind that different readers may perceive the mood differently, so it is important to support your answer with evidence from the text.

I don't think any of the tutors here have read this work.

If you have read it, though, it should be clear to you.
