Russia's economic development is complicated most by?

A) a shortage of energy resources
B)an influx of skilled immigrants
C)great distances separating resources from markets
D)harsh climates that make most of the land ill-suited for farming***

What prediction can best be made based on Russia's current population trend?
Russia is at risk for overpopulation
Russia lacks the food resources to support the Russian economy
Too few young workers will be able to support the Russian economy
Migration to Russian cities will lead to overcrowding and political conflict***

Yes ma'am, are my answers right?

the answers are both c

Have you take this before?

yep >=)

To answer the question about Russia's economic development being complicated the most by certain factors, we can analyze each option and determine the most significant one.

A) A shortage of energy resources: Russia is known for being rich in energy resources, particularly oil and natural gas. Therefore, this option is unlikely to be the most significant factor complicating its economic development.

B) An influx of skilled immigrants: While immigration can impact a country's economic development, it is not the primary factor causing complexity in Russia's case.

C) Great distances separating resources from markets: This option carries more weight. Russia is geographically vast, which leads to challenges in transportation and infrastructure. The long distances between resources (such as oil, gas, and minerals) and consumer markets can create logistical difficulties.

D) Harsh climates that make most of the land ill-suited for farming: This option is a significant factor that complicates Russia's economic development. The country's vast territory includes areas with extreme climates, such as the Arctic regions and Siberia, which pose challenges for agricultural development.

Therefore, the most significant factor complicating Russia's economic development is D) harsh climates that make most of the land ill-suited for farming.

Regarding the prediction based on Russia's current population trend, we can evaluate the options:

A) Russia is at risk of overpopulation: No evidence suggests that Russia is facing overpopulation. In fact, the country has experienced a declining population in recent years.

B) Russia lacks the food resources to support the Russian economy: While agricultural challenges exist due to harsh climates, Russia still possesses significant agricultural resources, and the option does not accurately describe the situation.

C) Too few young workers to support the Russian economy: This option is closer to the truth. Russia faces demographic challenges, including an aging population and a declining birth rate. This situation can lead to a reduced labor force to support economic growth.

D) Migration to Russian cities will lead to overcrowding and political conflict: This prediction is supported by the current population trend. As people move from rural areas to urban centers, it can lead to overcrowding and potentially create strains in terms of resources and political conflicts.

Therefore, the most accurate prediction based on Russia's current population trend is D) migration to Russian cities will lead to overcrowding and political conflict.

@write teacher, You are not really a teacher I know because if someone is a real teacher on this sight is has a little icon next to your name and your name does not have a teacher icon and that's no the correct way to spell write the way you using it, it should be spelled, Right. Not to be rude by the way.

Madison ... you know how we treat people who ask for answers and/or give all the answers.

Be careful.