what is the preposition in this sentence

after the movie we will grab a pizza to take home





i think it is B

just give the answer plaes

Is the answer After?

Edit: Yes the answer is After

What is the preposition in this sentence?

Please silence your phone before the movie.
A. Silence
B. Before
C. Your
D. Movie

My answer is b

Actually, the correct answer is D. "to".

To identify the preposition in a sentence, you need to understand that a preposition is a word that shows the relationship between a noun (or pronoun) and another word in the sentence. In this case, the word "to" shows the relationship between "grab a pizza" and "home". It indicates the direction or purpose of the action.

Therefore, in the sentence "after the movie we will grab a pizza to take home," the preposition is "to."


Check this list of prepositions.


Please note that "to take" is an infinitive, not a preposition.