74 For her English class, Jana is brainstorming

for a paper about Shakespeare plays. Use
her chart to answer the question below.
Shakespeare�s Plays
Actors a. no women
b. used many props
Globe Theatre c. built by Shakespeare�s
acting company
d. rebuilt in the twentieth
Stage e. no scenery
f. played many different
Which item is in the wrong box?
A item a
B item c
C item e

What is "74" there for?

What chart?

Lots of questions ... no answers!

To answer this question, we need to analyze Jana's chart and determine which item is in the wrong box. Let's look at each item and its corresponding box:

A. Actors - The chart mentions that there were no women actors in Shakespeare's plays. This information aligns with item A.

B. Globe Theatre - The chart states that the Globe Theatre was built by Shakespeare's acting company. This is also accurate information.

C. Stage - According to the chart, the stage had no scenery. This is consistent with what we know about Shakespearean theaters.

D. Rebuilt in the twentieth century - The chart does not provide any information about the Globe Theatre being rebuilt in the twentieth century. This raises doubts about item D.

E. Many props - The chart does mention that Shakespeare's plays used many props. Therefore, this information aligns with item E.

F. Played many different roles - The chart states that actors in Shakespeare's plays played many different roles. This corroborates with item F.

After evaluating the information provided in the chart, we can conclude that item D (rebuilt in the twentieth century) is in the wrong box.