find solution to differential equation given the initial conditions DQ/dt=Q/5

Q= 50 when t= 0

i don't understand this one because of the division sign.

dQ/Q = dt/5

ln Q = t/5 + C
Q = C' exp (t/5)
C and C' are arbitiry constants that you can determine from the initial condition
Q = 50 exp (t/5)

To find the solution to the differential equation DQ/dt = Q/5 with the given initial condition Q = 50 when t = 0, we can separate the variables and solve it using the method of separation of variables.

First, let's rearrange the equation to separate the variables:

DQ = (Q/5) dt

Now, let's move the dt term to the right side:

(1/Q) dQ = (1/5) dt

Next, integrate both sides of the equation:

∫(1/Q) dQ = ∫(1/5) dt

To integrate (1/Q) with respect to Q, we can use the natural logarithm:

ln|Q| = (1/5)t + C

where C is the constant of integration.

Now, let's solve for Q by taking the exponential of both sides:

|Q| = e^[(1/5)t + C]

Since we need a specific solution, let's consider the initial condition Q = 50 when t = 0:

|50| = e^[(1/5)(0) + C]

50 = e^(C)

To determine the value of C, we need to know the sign of Q. Since the absolute value signs are present, both positive and negative solutions are valid.

Case 1: Q > 0
If Q is positive, then |Q| = Q, and the equation becomes:

50 = e^(C)

Taking the natural logarithm of both sides:

ln(50) = C

Case 2: Q < 0
If Q is negative, then |Q| = -Q, and the equation becomes:

50 = -e^(C)

Taking the natural logarithm of both sides:

ln(-50) = C

Therefore, we have two possible solutions:

Case 1: Q > 0
Q = e^(ln(50)) * e^[(1/5)t] = 50 * e^[(1/5)t]

Case 2: Q < 0
Q = -e^(ln(-50)) * e^[(1/5)t] = -50 * e^[(1/5)t]

In summary, the general solution to the given differential equation DQ/dt = Q/5 with the initial condition Q = 50 when t = 0 is given by:

Q = 50 * e^[(1/5)t]


Q = -50 * e^[(1/5)t]