Of the following, which is NOT an adaptation made by reptiles to life on land?

thick, dry, water-proof skin

exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide in lungs only

eggs with leathery shells

open circulatory system

I think its either C or B

I think you do not know what an open circulatory system is.

reptile circulatory system

Ok I will, thanks

To determine which of the options is NOT an adaptation made by reptiles to life on land, we need to understand the adaptations reptiles have developed for living in terrestrial environments. Let's analyze each option and explain the adaptations:

A) Thick, dry, water-proof skin: This adaptation helps reptiles retain moisture and prevents water loss, allowing them to survive in arid environments.

B) Exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide in lungs only: This adaptation refers to the reptile's ability to efficiently respire by using lungs for gas exchange. This is a significant adaptation for life on land as it allows reptiles to extract oxygen from the air rather than relying solely on aquatic respiration.

C) Eggs with leathery shells: This adaptation is unique to reptiles and allows them to lay eggs on land. The leathery shell is flexible, allowing the embryo to get oxygen through the shell while protecting it from drying out in terrestrial environments.

D) Open circulatory system: This is actually NOT an adaptation found in reptiles. Unlike insects and some other invertebrates, reptiles have a closed circulatory system, meaning blood flows inside vessels. This adaptation helps maintain blood pressure and efficiently distribute oxygen and nutrients throughout the body.

Therefore, option D, the open circulatory system, is the answer as it is NOT an adaptation made by reptiles to life on land.