Can you give me an idea on how to present a turtle, I have to be creative with supplies

Just what exactly do you mean? Will you have a real turtle with you? To me, "present" means: "Hello, this is.....(turtle's name).....? You'll need to clarify better.


I have to do a report on a turtle and I need to do a display or 3d poster of some sort any ideas on how to make a 3d turtle or what I can use as supplies on how to make a turtle? And no live animals

Certainly! Presenting a turtle can be a fun and creative project. Here's an idea on how to make a creative turtle presentation using supplies you might already have at home:

Materials you will need:
1. Cardboard or poster board
2. Colorful art supplies like markers, crayons, or paints
3. Scissors
4. Glue or tape
5. Additional supplies for decoration (optional): stickers, buttons, ribbon, etc.

1. Start by drawing or printing a turtle outline on a piece of cardboard or poster board. You can easily find turtle images online as reference or create your own design.
2. Using your colorful art supplies, decorate the turtle's body with unique patterns, designs, or maybe even mosaic-style pieces of cut paper.
3. Cut out the turtle shape carefully using scissors, following the outline you drew or printed. Make sure to cut out any details like legs, head, or shell.
4. Next, create a background or scene by either drawing it directly on the cardboard or using additional sheets of paper to construct it separately. You can make a jungle, ocean, or even a desert scene.
5. Attach the decorated turtle cutout to the background using glue or tape. Ensure it is securely attached in the desired position.
6. Add any additional details or decorations to your turtle presentation. You can use stickers, buttons, ribbon, or any other craft supplies to make it more visually appealing.
7. Allow your creative turtle presentation to dry and then it will be ready to display!

Remember, this is just one idea, and you can modify it according to the available supplies and your own creativity. Have fun with it and let your imagination soar!