positive comparative superlative for troubled, straight, friendly, dry, safe, useful, flat, willing, blue, worst, and sad. Thanks.

They are all positive except for worst.

worst is worst, worst, worst?

Worst is superlative

bad, worse, worst

Are the answers:

colorful, more colorful, most colorful
late, later, latest
northern, more northern, most northern
troubled, more troubled, most troubled
straight, straighter, straightest
friendly, more friendly, most friendly
dry, drier, driest
safe, safer, safest
useful, more useful, most useful
flat, flatter, flattest
willing, more willing, most willing
early, earlier, earliest
hungry, hungrier, hungriest
blue, more blue, most bluest
bad, worse, worst
sad, sadder, saddest


Good job. I only see these corrections.

friendly, more friendly, most friendly
friendly, friendlier, friendliest

blue, more blue, most bluest
blue, bluer, bluest

Sure! Here are the positive, comparative, and superlative forms of the adjectives you provided:

- Troubled: positive - troubled, comparative - more troubled, superlative - most troubled. To form the comparative and superlative, we add "more" or "most" before the adjective.
- Straight: positive - straight, comparative - straighter, superlative - straightest. For this adjective, we simply add "-er" for the comparative and "-est" for the superlative.
- Friendly: positive - friendly, comparative - friendlier, superlative - friendliest. Similar to "straight," we add "-er" for the comparative and "-est" for the superlative.
- Dry: positive - dry, comparative - drier, superlative - driest. Again, we add "-er" for the comparative and "-est" for the superlative.
- Safe: positive - safe, comparative - safer, superlative - safest. Just like "dry," we add "-er" for the comparative and "-est" for the superlative.
- Useful: positive - useful, comparative - more useful, superlative - most useful. Here, we use "more" or "most" depending on the length of the adjective.
- Flat: positive - flat, comparative - flatter, superlative - flattest. We add "-er" for the comparative and "-est" for the superlative.
- Willing: positive - willing, comparative - more willing, superlative - most willing. Again, we use "more" or "most" before the adjective.
- Blue: positive - blue, comparative - bluer, superlative - bluest. We simply add "-er" for the comparative and "-est" for the superlative.
- Worst: positive - bad, comparative - worse, superlative - worst. "Worst" is the superlative form of the adjective "bad."
- Sad: positive - sad, comparative - sadder, superlative - saddest. Once again, we add "-er" for the comparative and "-est" for the superlative.

Remember, the way to form comparative and superlative adjectives might vary based on the length and nature of the adjective, so it's helpful to refer to a dictionary or grammar guide for specific rules.