1.Which of the following are independent events?

Flipping a coin and rolling a number cube***

Choosing two marbles without replacement

Spinning a spinner twice

Choosing a card, replacing it, and then choosing another card***

2.A bag holds 3 blue marbles 5 red marbles and 2 green marbles find the probability of choosing a red marble than a green marble with replacement


Can someone please check my answers?

1- a, c, d

2- a
3- b
4- a

Hes right btw

Sooo what’s the answer??

thanks sammy you help me out

#1, I would include the spinner part as well.

Since the spinner has no memory , whatever happened on the first spin, has no effect on the second

#2 correct

Sure! I can help you check your answers. Let's go through each question one by one.

1. Which of the following are independent events?

a) Flipping a coin and rolling a number cube.
b) Choosing two marbles without replacement.
c) Spinning a spinner twice.
d) Choosing a card, replacing it, and then choosing another card.

For two events to be independent, the outcome of one event should not affect the outcome of the other event. Let's analyze each option:

a) Flipping a coin and rolling a number cube:
These two events are independent since the result of flipping a coin (heads or tails) has no influence on the outcome of rolling a number cube (1 to 6).

b) Choosing two marbles without replacement:
These two events are not independent since the outcome of the first selection affects the number of marbles remaining for the second selection.

c) Spinning a spinner twice:
These two events are independent. The result of the first spin does not change the possibilities for the second spin.

d) Choosing a card, replacing it, and then choosing another card:
These two events are independent since the replacement ensures that the probabilities of selecting a card in the second draw remain the same as in the first draw.

Based on this analysis, you got it correct! The independent events are:
- Flipping a coin and rolling a number cube
- Choosing a card, replacing it, and then choosing another card

Now let's move on to the second question.

2. A bag holds 3 blue marbles, 5 red marbles, and 2 green marbles. Find the probability of choosing a red marble, then a green marble with replacement.

To calculate the probability, we need to determine the total number of favorable outcomes (choosing a red marble, then a green marble) and divide it by the total number of possible outcomes.

Since replacement is allowed, after selecting the first marble, the number of red marbles remains the same (5), and the number of green marbles remains the same (2).

The probability of choosing a red marble is 5 out of 10 (total number of marbles).
The probability of choosing a green marble is 2 out of 10 (total number of marbles).

To find the probability of both events occurring, we multiply the individual probabilities:
Probability = (5/10) * (2/10) = 1/10.

Therefore, the correct answer is 1/10.

You got it correct again! Well done!

there is 10 questions