this makes absolutley no sense I plug all this into my calculator but I get different results.

The hydronium ion concentration can be found from the pH by the reverse of the mathematical operation employed to find the pH.

[H3O+] = 10-pH or [H3O+] = antilog (- pH)

Example: What is the hydronium ion concentration in a solution that has a pH of 8.34?

8.34 = - log [H3O+]
- 8.34 = log [H3O+]
[H3O+] = 10-8.34 = 4.57 x 10-9 M

On a calculator, calculate 10-8.34, or "inverse" log ( - 8.34).

Your calculations baffle me.

On my calculator,
INV log(- 8.34) is 4.57E-9 M. So we got the same answer.

You need to figure out what you are doing wrong with your calc.

I don’t get it, how does a ph of 8.34 have anything to do with the number 4.57?? Where are you pulling that from? Literally, tell me the exact buttons to press in the exact order on my calculator, cause this h3o+ thing is actually pissing me off cause this math isn’t checking out. This is why I hate algebra lmao.

I apologize if there was any confusion in my explanation. It seems like you are having trouble getting the correct result when performing the calculations on your calculator.

To find the hydronium ion concentration ([H3O+]) using the pH, you need to apply the inverse of the logarithmic function. Here is a step-by-step explanation of how to do it:

1. Start with the pH given, in this case, 8.34.
2. Take the negative logarithm of the pH. This is represented as -log(pH).
3. Plug in the value: -log(8.34).
4. Calculate this expression using your calculator. Make sure to use the logarithm function (log) with the appropriate base (usually 10).
5. The result should be a negative value. This negative value represents the power of 10 to which you need to raise to obtain the hydronium ion concentration.
6. Apply the antilogarithm operation to the negative value obtained in the previous step. This is done using the "inverse" or "antilog" function on your calculator.
7. Calculate the antilogarithm of the negative value from step 5 to get the hydronium ion concentration ([H3O+]).

In the given example, the hydronium ion concentration is found to be 4.57 x 10^(-9) M.

If you are getting different results on your calculator, I would recommend double-checking your input and the settings on your calculator. Ensure that you are correctly applying the log function with the right base and properly using the inverse or antilog function. Additionally, make sure you are entering the negative value obtained from the logarithm correctly.

If you are still having trouble, please provide more details about the calculator model and the specific steps you are taking, so I can assist you further.