M=-9 (4,8)

Is the answear 9x-27


If the Slope (M) = -9 and the point is (4,8). The Equation of the line is:

y - y1 = m(x - x1)

So it becomes:

y - 8 = -9(x-4)
y - 8 = -9x + 36
y = -9x + 36 + 8

y = -9x + 44 is the equation of the line [written in the form y = mx + c].

Ok, hope that helps!

luyh yapjrdx osgutdh orbgu hkspeiv fkapgq hxazby

To verify if the answer is correct, we can substitute the given values into the equation 9x - 27 and see if it equals M.

M = -9
Point (4, 8)

Substituting these values into the equation:

9x - 27 = -9

To solve for x, we can move the constant term to the right side of the equation by adding 27 to both sides:

9x = -9 + 27

9x = 18

Next, we can solve for x by dividing both sides of the equation by 9:

x = 18/9

x = 2

Now, let's check if this value satisfies the original equation:

9(2) - 27 = 18 - 27 = -9

Since -9 is equal to M, the given point (4, 8) lies on the line with the equation 9x - 27. So, the answer 9x - 27 is correct.