The speaker in "Dream Variations" longs to "rest at cool evening," which is an expression of the human need for

personal expression
a place in the jungle
a sense of safety
warmth and brightness

My answer is D

The theme of Countee Cullen's poem "Any Human to Another" is that

humans should never look to others for help

joy is one of the most common human experiences

each individual is like a tent
pitched alone in a sunny meadow

humanity is connected through sorrows

I have two guesses on this I think between D or C

The first one is not D.

Which do you think is the better answer for your second question?

For the first one could it be C?

And hm, I feel like D the most..

I agree -- C and D.

To determine the correct answer to these questions, let's analyze the poems and find evidence to support the options.

For the first question about "Dream Variations" by Langston Hughes, the speaker expresses a longing to "rest at cool evening." This desire indicates a need for "warmth and brightness" rather than personal expression, a place in the jungle, or a sense of safety. Therefore, option D, warmth and brightness, seems to be the correct choice.

Moving on to Countee Cullen's poem "Any Human to Another," let's examine the themes present. The poem emphasizes the interconnectedness of humanity through shared sorrows. This idea aligns with option D, that humanity is connected through sorrows. Option C, each individual is like a tent pitched alone in a sunny meadow, does not accurately reflect the theme of interconnectedness. Therefore, option D is the correct choice.

In summary:
1. The answer to the first question is D, warmth and brightness.
2. The answer to the second question is D, humanity is connected through sorrows.