What is the purpose of revising and editing an academic paper.

2. what are the advantages for both the reviewer and writer of peer reviews?
How would encourage a reluctant peer reviewer.

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Since I just answered this earlier this morning for GaPeach, please see that answer and hopefully it will also help you.

I couldn't bring up SraJMcGin's other response, so I searched Google under the key words "peer review high school" to get these possible sources:


Unfortunately most of the articles are on higher level scientific review processes and there is a periodical called Peer Review.

Although both the reviewer and reviewee may be afraid of making mistakes, this is part of the learning process and part of growth. See this site:


I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

The purpose of peer review is to give both students an opportunity to gain insight in writing style and syntax without formal instruction. Sometimes it is beneficial to read an essay written on the same topic from a different perspective. It also can help to see how other people express similar ideas.

As you edit your classmate's paper, you are giving suggestions within the other student's learning level and when you receive your paper back, you get feedback as to how readable your paper is and error that stand out.

For the reluctant peer reviewer I'd encourage you to gleen from every paper you read. You will find different perspectives, vocabulary, and organizational tools that you can use in future papers. Everything you read becomes a part of you. What you do with it is up to you. Enjoy the process.

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To see what sytle of writing you're doing . And is the messager is stated clear for the reader. This give them a chance make in the paper that is need it. They have the rights rather or do they want to publish it.

how would you encourage a reluctant peer reviewer?

How would you encourage a reluctant peer reviewer

? One way to encourage a reluctant peer reviewer is to emphasize the importance of the peer review process. Explain to them that peer review is an essential part of the writing process and that it can help them become a better writer. Explain that by reviewing someone else's work, they can gain insight into their own writing and learn from the mistakes of others. Additionally, emphasize the importance of providing constructive feedback and explain that their feedback can help their peers improve their writing. Finally, remind them that peer review is a collaborative process and that their input is valuable.

To encourage a reluctant peer reviewer, you can try the following strategies:

1. Explain the benefits: Emphasize the important role of peer review in improving the overall quality of the paper. Highlight that their feedback can help the writer refine their work and make it stronger.

2. Offer guidance: Provide clear guidelines and criteria for the peer review process. This will give the reluctant reviewer a structured approach and help them feel more confident in providing feedback.

3. Highlight the learning opportunity: Emphasize that by engaging in the peer review process, they will also enhance their own skills as a writer and critical thinker. It is a chance for them to learn from others' work and to broaden their understanding of the subject matter.

4. Start small: If the reluctant reviewer is feeling overwhelmed, offer to start with a shorter piece or a single section of the paper. This can help build their confidence and gradually increase their involvement in the peer review process.

5. Foster a supportive environment: Create a positive and non-threatening atmosphere where the reluctant reviewer feels comfortable asking questions or seeking clarification. Encourage open communication and remind them that their opinions and perspectives are valued.

6. Offer incentives: Consider offering incentives, such as extra credit or acknowledgement for their efforts, to motivate reluctant reviewers to participate. This can be an extra boost of motivation for those who may be hesitant to get involved.

Remember, it is essential to be understanding and patient with reluctant peer reviewers. Everyone has different levels of comfort and confidence when it comes to providing feedback.

To encourage a reluctant peer reviewer, you can use the following strategies:

1. Explain the benefits: Highlight the advantages of peer reviewing, such as improving writing skills, gaining new perspectives, and contributing to the academic community. Emphasize how their feedback can help the writer produce a better paper.

2. Set clear expectations: Clearly define the role and responsibilities of a peer reviewer. Explain that their feedback is valuable and that their input can make a difference. Provide guidelines or a rubric to make the reviewing process more structured and manageable.

3. Offer support and guidance: Let the reluctant peer reviewer know that they are not alone in this process. Provide resources such as writing guides, samples of effective peer reviews, or templates that can assist them in giving constructive feedback.

4. Foster a positive and safe environment: Create an atmosphere where peer review is seen as a collaborative and supportive process rather than a judgmental one. Encourage open and respectful communication between the reviewer and the writer. Remind them that their feedback should focus on the paper and its improvement, not on personal criticism.

5. Start with small tasks: If the reluctant peer reviewer is overwhelmed by reviewing a full paper, start with smaller tasks. Assign them to review specific sections or focus on particular aspects like organization, clarity, or grammar. Gradually increase their involvement as they become more comfortable and confident.

6. Recognize and appreciate their efforts: Show appreciation for the reviewer's time and effort. Celebrate their contributions, no matter how small. Providing positive feedback and acknowledging their role can motivate reluctant reviewers to continue participating.

By implementing these strategies, you can encourage a reluctant peer reviewer to embrace the role and actively engage in the peer review process.