if a class has 30 students and the average grade on a 100 point exam is 72% and the median is 74% how many students got above 90

no way to tell

all we know is that 15 students got above 74% and 15 got below 74%

Thanks, that's what I thought

To determine how many students got above 90 on the exam, we need to analyze the information given.

The average grade on the exam is 72%. Since the average is calculated by summing up all the grades and dividing by the number of students, we can assume that the total sum of all the grades is 72% multiplied by the total number of students.

Total sum of grades = Average grade * Number of students
Total sum of grades = 72% * 30 (convert percentage to decimal by dividing by 100)
Total sum of grades = 0.72 * 30
Total sum of grades = 21.6

Now, let's consider the median grade of 74%. The median is the middle value in a set of numbers arranged in ascending or descending order. Since the median is 74%, we can assume that half of the students scored below 74% and half scored above it.

Since we have 30 students, half of them scored below the median, and the other half scored above it. Therefore, we can conclude that 15 students scored below 74%, and 15 students scored above 74%.

Now, to find out how many students scored above 90%, we need to determine how many students scored above 74% but below 90%.

Since we know that 15 students scored above 74%, we subtract this from the total number of students to obtain the number of students who scored below 74%.

Number of students below 74% = Total number of students - Number of students above 74%
Number of students below 74% = 30 - 15
Number of students below 74% = 15

Therefore, considering the same logic, we can assume that the remaining 15 students also scored above 74%.

Now, to find out how many students scored above 90%, we need to determine the number of students from this group of 15 who scored above 90%.

Based on the information provided, we do not have any direct information about the distribution of grades above 74%. Therefore, it is not possible to determine how many students scored above 90%.