Which of these is part of the estate's water system?

1. aviary

2. wrestling ground

3. baths****

4. colonnade

Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus wanted to

1. give women the right to vote*****

2. give land to the poor

3. take over Roman government

4. free all enslaved people

Please check my answers!

You're correct on the first question. I don't know the answer to the second. Does your text say that they wanted to give women the right to vote? If you're not sure, double-check.

1 yes. 2 no.

for number 2 I think its 4. am I right?

please check

No, not 4.

You're on your own now. Please do not post this question again.

damn ms.Sue your mean

Which of these is part of the estate’s water system?

To determine which option is part of the estate's water system, you can analyze the given options and identify the one that relates to water. In this case, the option is "baths" (option 3). Bathhouses or public baths were a common feature of Roman estates and they were an integral part of the water supply and sanitation system.

Regarding the intentions of Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus, they aimed to give land to the poor (option 2). They were Roman politicians who advocated for land reform and the redistribution of public land to the landless or impoverished citizens in an effort to address social and economic inequalities.